I Love Mondays #11: Choose Love Over Logic
Welcome to I Love Mondays #11, where a simple shift in perspective can help you relax and manifest nothing but good things! This week’s prompts will turn the most stressful aspects of your life into opportunities to generate love and enjoy your life the way it is. As Mike Dooley says, “Today's bad is always tomorrow's boon,” so let’s stop being victims of our thoughts and start creating the blissful neural pathways that we know we deserve.
1. One good thing after another!
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how there will always be another illness or crisis to deal with in life, so we might as well learn to feel good anyway. But that’s just a limiting belief, isn’t it?? What if we trained ourselves to believe that life was just one good thing after another? As you go about your day, start looking for all the good things. And when something “bad” happens, try reacting with, “One good thing after another!” See if the perspective shift helps you see your problems in a new light. It’s all happening in your favor!
2. Remember when you wanted what you currently have.
The nature of life is that we have problems, or contrast, and those problems help us know what we want. Then we get what we want, and we have a new batch of problems that help us know what we want. And so on. Everything we have today is something we wanted in the past (unconsciously or not). What do you see in your reality right now that you remember wanting in the past?
The funny thing about noticing what you have, that you used to want, is that it teaches us that getting what we want doesn’t necessarily make us feel better or change anything. By the time we get what we want, we usually don’t care about it anymore. Train your brain to remember that happiness is not something that comes when we get what we desire, it’s an attitude we choose right now, regardless of what form manifests.
3. Choose love over logic.
I’ve been stressed out over being sued, so I enlisted the help of life coach Cory Thomsen to give me perspective. Coaching sessions with Cory helped me quit drinking two years ago, so I knew she could help me approach my legal battle with a good attitude. After our last call, the solution we came up with together was to look at my situation with love, not logic. Doesn’t life feel so much better when we see it with love? Logic makes us think that the most probable thing will happen. Love shows us that miracles abound everywhere we look.
Are you experiencing a situation where the logic is a bit too painful? Instead of imagining the most logical outcome, what is the most loving outcome you can think of?
4. Relax, nothing is under control!
How much pain in our lives is caused by trying to control outcomes and behavior? What if we relaxed into the knowing that NOTHING is under control, and our attempts are futile? What space that would free up in our minds! Whenever you notice yourself getting upset over something you can’t control but desperately want to, remind yourself to relax. Nothing is under control!
Allow yourself to let go of your attachment to outcome. Allow yourself to stop trying to control the behavior of yourself and others. Feel the freedom of giving no fucks—why stress when it’s not up to you? What is one thing you’re trying to control so much, that you can just relax and stop caring about, right now?
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