I Love Mondays #18: Why Suffer?
Hello from sunny Texas! Kelly and I are on an adventure in the Lone Star state, basking in the weather and swimming to our hearts’ content. Along our travels we have picked up a few gems that have helped us lighten up and have more fun with life, which we now present to you for your enjoyment! Use the tools below to stop suffering, attract money, defy time, and know what you want.
1. Draw the money you’d like to attract this week!
A couple weeks ago, we met our friend and client Krista Suh for the first time. A sweet tip we picked up from our meeting came when we were talking about rats. Krista’s illustrator and our mutual friend Aurora said she started painting a lot of rats, and then she started noticing them more and more in her reality. Krista suggested painting money instead, so you can start noticing more and more. Draw or paint the money you’d like to attract this week. Draw money in your spare time and see how much more you can notice!
2. Pivot.
Abraham Hicks sends out wonderful daily emails with helpful ideas for conscious creation. Lately I had been feeling a lot of negative emotion, but I forgot what to do about it. This Abe quote helped me remember that negative emotion is actually helping me get what I want. I just have to take the time to ask, "What do I want instead?"
Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I would not be feeling this negative emotion. What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want... In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction will stop; and in the moment the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin. And—in that moment—your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the Process of Pivoting.
3. Why suffer?
Another treasure from our meeting with Krista was when she told us about reading an interview with Björk:
Four years ago, when I was still at Ms. But had just learned about Bust, the Smurfy Icelandic pop star, for their issue on motherhood. I was perhaps a little naive in assuming that she and I would connect on some ethnic level simply because my matrilineal family also hails from lava-laden Iceland, but her dismissiveness of contemporary feminism weirded me out. Trapped in my own earnestness about Third Wave feminism, I found myself asking a lot of goody-two-shoes questions about being a single mother. I wanted to know what had led Bjork to divorce the father of her son after only a year of marriage. "Why suffer?" she said, and picked her nose.
We told our friends Ryan and Fede about this interview and from then on, every time something came up where we were stressed or deliberating on something, one of us would say, "Why suffer?" Why waste time feeling bad about something? Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.
4. Defy time.
In the book You Are A Circle by Prof G, the author suggests defying time. He recommends that you sit down for one solid hour and see what you can accomplish with total focus. Kelly and I decided to make "defy time" a theme of our road trip down to Texas. Whenever we felt like we were running late or running out of time, we reminded each other to "defy time". We always ended up with perfect timing, and a sense of playfulness instead of pressure. See where you can defy time today. Time is based on your perception, and when you lighten up about it, time will be on your side.
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