I Love Mondays #27: Do Nothing
Welcome back to I Love Mondays! This week we’re exploring DOING NOTHING. Not doing, not thinking, not feeling bad, and not getting in the way. It can be scary to the mind to give up control, but the reward is nothing short of magickal. Our thoughts create problems, not solve them, and it is only when we step outside of our thoughts that we become a match to relief. Don’t let your mind trick you into thinking you have to worry and try and strive and struggle. The most powerful action you can take is none. When you are still, the dust settles and you can see everything is perfect and in its place. Your path will light up for you. You won’t have to try to figure it out; you’ll just know your next step.
1. Do nothing.
We asked our friend for a bit of social advice, and he told us the advice his sister always gives him: do nothing. Get a text you want to reply to angrily? Do nothing. Got a message from someone you don’t want to talk to? Do nothing. Get an email asking for more than you can give? Do nothing. According to our friend, every time he did nothing, the situation resolved itself within a few hours to a few days. Can you stop meddling and allow the universe to do its work?
What’s a message you’re choosing not to send?
2. Notice the space between your thoughts.
Kelly pulled a card from Jessica’s soon-to-be-launched Oracle Deck. “Notice the space between your thoughts,” it suggested. “Instead of thinking your thoughts, you’re watching your thoughts. In the space between your thoughts, there are no problems. In the space between your thoughts, there is infinite source energy.”
Can you step back from your thoughts enough to see the space between them? Draw what that space looks like.
3. Feel good now.
“The journey has to feel the way you want the destination to feel.” -Danielle Laporte
We all have goals we want to reach, but how do we feel when we’re working towards them? If you want to feel happy when you reach your goal, you must feel happy while you work on it. Otherwise, you will never get there. You will never get to that place you want to be because you will always be looking toward the future to make you feel good. When you feel now how you want your destination to make you feel, then you arrive.
What is your destination? How will it feel? How can you feel that way right now?
4. Trust the universe.
“Just sit there right now
Don’t do a thing
Just rest.For your separation from God,
From love,Is the hardest work
In this
World.” -Hafiz
We often think the weight of the world rests on our shoulders. We must take care of our families, perform well at work, and ensure our own well being. It can get overwhelming thinking we have to DO so much to keep all the plates spinning. We think we can figure out our problems or that our worrying is integral to resolving situations. But what if we just trusted life to take the wheel? What if we gave up control and let it all work out?
What is something you’re going to trust to the universe today?
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