Beyond Manifestation Journal
$15.00 – $50.00
Beyond Manifestation Journal is available as a 183-page, 6×9″ paperback or downloadable PDF. non-subscriber digital downloads are limited to two download attempts. International orders and orders of 5 journals or more are printed on demand, so please allow an additional 1-2 weeks for delivery.
Ever-so-slightly Damaged books contain minor aesthetic flaws that do not affect the usability of the Manual.
Enter the present moment and find freedom from lack, stress, anxiety, worry, fear and suffering.
Find relief from the constant pressure to achieve and produce, and finally feel like you are enough, you have enough, and this moment is enough.
Relax into the total perfection of the Now, detached from the ups and downs of life. In this moment you are loving, playful, and totally fulfilled.
Welcome to the paradise Beyond Manifestation!
Why Go Beyond Manifestation?
Thinking you need to manifest something pushes it away. When you are aware that you want something, you are aware you don’t have it. And that awareness of “not having” perpetuates a state of lack.
You think you want to manifest, so you get something, so you feel better. But you can feel better without getting the thing, just by being present. When you’re present, you’re not thinking about the past or the future. Only your thoughts can make you feel bad, and there isn’t much to think about right now. When you are thought-free, you uncover your true essence of peace, love and happiness. Then you don’t need ANYTHING to change. You’ve found the feeling you thought you needed a manifestation to achieve.
Love, enthusiasm and joy are your natural state. The reason you can find joy and love by placing your attention on the present moment is because it takes your focus off resistant thought. When you are present, your natural love and joy and enthusiasm are revealed. You don’t ever have to TRY to feel love or joy or enthusiasm. They’re already there!
Of course, when you are present and feeling connected, that’s when you are most magnetized to attract what you want. When you’re present, you manifest all sorts of wonderful experiences and things. You might like what you get so much that you forget the point is presence. You get attached to your manifestations and worry about losing them. Then you’re not present. You’re lost in thought. But over time, you train yourself to keep letting go of the thoughts, and make your home in the infinite Now. Then the manifestations come. And it all starts over again. This journal helps you keep going with the flow, unattached to outcome, blissful in the Now, feeling good regardless of circumstance.
Journal Structure
This journal is designed to be used daily for one month. You don’t have to start it on the first of the month, and daily use is not required. The exercises
will work the same. Go at your own pace, and give yourself time to integrate your epiphanies.
Repeated 31 times in the journal is a daily practice page, separated into morning and evening rituals. Use this page to quickly move through our presence process and deliberately shape your everyday life.
Between each daily page is an exercise to deepen your understanding of each step of the presence process. These experiments in presence can be seen as a companion to meditation. Try augmenting this journal with a seated meditation practice to harvest creativity and find deep solutions to whatever problems may arise.
Monthly and Weekly Calendars
At the beginning of the journal, there is a blank month-at-a-glance calendar to keep track of important dates. Use this calendar for marking appointments, due dates, moon phases, or synchronicities.
For each weekly chapter, there is a week-at-a-glance calendar provided to organize the week ahead. Use this opportunity to plan your meals, write your “To Not Give A Fuck About” list (much more fun than a to-do list!), and write or draw what you’re grateful for each day to keep your attitude on track.
The Presence Process
You don’t need to follow any process to flip the switch and recognize the total perfection of right Now. But when life feels heavy, or your thoughts are too much, or you forget how easy it can be, the system in this book will help you back to enjoying this moment. When you begin to feel again like life is not serious, and it’s just for fun and there’s nothing to worry about, you’ll know you made it. You don’t need to change a thing. This moment is enough, and you are already perfect. Life already is the way you want it to be!
This journal is split into 5 weeks of activities, and the repeated daily page is a smaller fractal of the same 5 steps. To begin, we start with lust for life. By identifying what you’re truly passionate about, excited about, thrilled about, you remember life is worth living. You begin to remove the film of overthinking that tells you life is a chore and remember that there is more
to life than striving.
The second week, and the second portion of the daily page, is about becoming aware of your thoughts so you can let them go. Sometimes we just need to acknowledge what we’ve been thinking and feeling, so that we can process and move on. By becoming aware of our mental patterns, we stop being victims of our thoughts and are able to step into the perspective of the observer. Awareness is who you really are, not your thoughts. And when you look at life from the observer position, you are able to laugh at the thoughts floating by. You know it’s not serious. The thoughts that seemed so overwhelming lose all their power. You regain your peace and confidence.
The third week of this book, and the third section of the daily page, is about honing your attention into a single point. By using one of the provided techniques of counting, chanting, breathing, listening, or accepting, you focus your creative power into an impenetrable laser beam. The feeling of singular focus is one of elation, energy, and knowing. The tighter your focus, the easier it is to feel good and be impervious to distraction.
The fourth week and fourth section of the daily page is where you begin to wield your powerful attention. You’ve found lust for life, you’ve let go of your distracting thoughts, you’ve focused your attention into a single powerful point, and now it’s easy to declare who you are. You get to switch to the reality you prefer. Whatever you choose to say after, “I AM” is true until you think a contradictory thought. With your good attitude and focused attention, you decide what to perceive. You get to become whoever you want to be, because you believe in yourself and your power.
The final section of this book is about just enjoying life the way it is. You’ve done the work to become conscious and focused. You are perceiving life the way YOU want it to be. Now you get to enjoy it and have fun!
1 review for Beyond Manifestation Journal
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Sylvia Brown –
Honestly, everything on here gets five stars for me. I found Jessica through her meditation videos, and I am so happy to have discovered SoLD as well. This specific journal really gets me in the right headspace each and every day, and I have been noticing a difference in my thought patterns and manifestation outcomes. I completely recommend this product.