I Love Mondays #16: Writing Always Works
A practice that always helps me feel better and manifest my desires is writing. I've been honing my practice since I began blogging in 2010, and in 2011 we started making worksheets to make the process more fun.
I've been struggling with staying positive and in a good mood the past few weeks, so I started being more diligent about writing. I follow a specific list of prompts so I know exactly what to write about, and by the end of my 1000 words I feel much better and in control of my focus and attention. This practice helps me feel so much better every single time I sit down to write, so this week's I Love Mondays is a direct translation of my favorite prompts into worksheet form. Read on for some more reasons why writing always works.
1. Get a website to hold your entries.
I always post my Gathering Momentum posts on my website so I have a searchable, sortable, public collection of my ideas. Posting my writing online helps me look at it like "open source thought direction." If your thoughts create your reality, then your thoughts are the code and reality is the output. When I share how I choose to direct my thoughts, I hope to help other people decide on their own practice.
2. Take the opportunity to prepave.
Nearly every day, we all have an upcoming event that could use some intentional optimism. Pre-paving is another Abraham-Hicks technique that can turn the focus of your day from fear to love. Choose an event that you feel a little nervous about. Ask yourself, what's the best that could happen before? What's the best that could happen during? How do you want to feel after? Now that you've imagined the best possible outcome, it's more likely to happen. You get what you expect, and you just created a positive expectation.
3. Select prompts that you believe in.
Many of the prompts I use in my writing come directly from Abraham-Hicks, like "wouldn't it be nice?" I genuinely believe that when I start completing the sentence "Wouldn't it be nice..." I start tuning my point of attraction to a higher frequency. The more ideas I can come up with that would be nice, the better I feel, and the better I feel, the better experiences I attract. Find the prompts that you really believe in, and watch your manifestation power grow.
4. Bonus points for crying!
If I'm having a hard time, writing is a good way to process why. When I start asking myself things like "What is my contrast (i.e., problem)?" and "What is the contrast making me ask for?" I start feeling compassion for myself. And when I get to the last prompt, "Dear Jessica..." I channel words from my higher self. My higher self always has the best advice, and when I really listen to that connection to the divine, I feel the relief of a thousand negative thoughts being washed away. Writing is an excellent way to practice self love, and when you really feel yourself getting all emotional, you're doing it right!
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